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#16 2020-04-27 23:21:35

valkosipuli nca14


Re: Evil should not exist

My mentality considers ones who believe in eternal damnation the worst creatures which exist at all. It is a radical universalist. It has "unitarian scrupules" which are against Catholic dogmas of Trinity and Incarnation. I know that God has to be one and only deity which exists in panexistence. He even has to be indivisible (which may be the hardest for the mind to match with trinitarianism). Volitionally I do not accept heresy. I experience great opposities.

I do not believe in reincarnation because I consider reincarnation ugly, without deal and beauty, evil, totally unaesthetic. I feel it. I do not believe in extraterrestrials due to Christian faith and also my mentality thinks that there is or at least may be something "ugly", "disordered" in existence of spiritual-physical intelligent beings with free will in more than one place in physical universe. And theory of endless or practically endless multiverse is considered by me as even worse than theory about space aliens! (Almost) infinite number of clones of people in huge number of pararell universes would be something really ugly and unaesthetic! I also feel it. Cloning multiverse would be even uglier than existence of space aliens (which some monotheists allows, but this allowance may be a heresy(?)) or even reincarnation, although reincarnation and almost infinite numbers of us in paralell universes would be significantly worse than existence of extraterrestrials.

I think that it is beautiful that God created everything which is not Him from absolute nothingness. He is closer for us than parents, spouse or children. Infinitely closer! We do not have divine element in ourselves. We could have different parents, spouses and children but the Creator could be only one and the same!

One and only God who is indivisible but despite that is three persons simultaneously can look less "irrational" for the mind than the fact that any evil, sin, suffering exist and happened, especially eternal torment (which is for my mind complete victory of evil). Sexual and procreative uglinesses and sins are very abhorrent according to my feeling. I think that sexual drive is a result of sin, although vaginal penetration of own wife for procreation of eternally saved offspring is considered a "holy celebration" by my mentality regardless of belief in possibility of eternal torment. Sexual pleasure as we know today is also considered a result of sin by my mind. Despite it I have thoughts that not always voluntary allowance to sexual pleasure is a sin or something not holy, but this pleasure is viewed as allowable only during "sacred" procreative act of spouses. In general, the husband should look at his wife like saint priest at Virgin Mary (who is very, very sweet and beutiful woman, but without sexual attractiveness) or like innocent baby at own mother.

I consider defecation, flatulence, urination, menstruation, pollution of semen things which would be absent in world in which there would be no sin at all! In the world without evil everybody would have been asexual, even spouses and parents. The same about ageing, diseases, accidents, tragedies, ugliness, temptations to sin, mental disorder (which are also a health problems and problems are not good).There would be no Aspies in the world without sin.

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