noforlust - 2016-01-08 15:41:04

Lust does not give life.
Love gives life.
Lust brings death.

noforlust - 2016-01-08 16:58:59

Lust is a result of original sin. Lust is hellish. Lust ruins. Lust is not love. Lust does not think about heaven. Lust is "biological", fleshy. It does not are about supernatural realm.

noforlust - 2016-01-09 10:52:19

Intercourse for procreation of holy offspring is NOT "sex"! Procreative embracing gives picture and similarity to Creator. So the problem is not procreative embracing.

The problem is the LUST, the sexual pleasure, the concupiscence. For me it looks that is easier to avoid consupscence without marriage, without procreation.

noforlust - 2016-01-09 11:13:56

Animals copulate. Animals are not personal beings, they have no free will and are uncapable of love.
People are NOT animals!

Proreation should not be copulation!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 11:31:41

Procreation should not be copulation! Procreation should be holy!

Total rejection for sexual pleasure, for lust!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 11:35:34

There should be "Crusade agains lust, sexual pleasure and impure sins"!

Kill LUST at all!

Sexual pleasure is a result of original sin of Adam and Eve.

noforlust - 2016-01-09 14:48:26

Difference of sexes is not bad.
Matrimony is not bad.
Procreation is not bad.
Parenthood is not bad.
Procreative embracing is not bad.

Lust is bad.
Sexual pleasure is bad.
Orgasm is bad.
Impure sin is bad.
Irresponsible procreation is bad.

noforlust - 2016-01-09 21:56:09

No for lust at all!!!

Total rejection of sexual pleasure!!!
Total rejection of lust!!!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 21:57:06

NO for libido!
DEATH for libido!
Death for lust!

Death for sin!
Death especially for mortal sin!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 21:57:36

DEATH for sexual pleasure!
Let sexual pleasure no exist!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 21:58:27

There is DELUGE OF LUST in the world! It's bad.

Crusade agaist lust!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 21:59:02

Total rejection for lust!
Also in marriage!

Total rejection for sexual pleasure!
Also in marriage!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 21:59:39

Lust may appear as the biggest KILLER in the world!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 22:00:10

Despise and reject lust!
Despise and reject sexual pleasure!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 22:00:46

Victory over lust is possible!

We want to HEAVEN, not to HELL!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 22:01:35

Lust ruins!
Lust kills!

Sexual pleasure is not good!
It is very, very vicious killer!

noforlust - 2016-01-09 22:02:03

Be free of lust!
Be free of sin!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:47:30

Lust "desires to procreate", but not in HOLY way!

Blessed Virgin is the most beautiful and the sweetest Woman, but she is without any sexual attractiveness! Sexual pleasure, sexual attractiveness, lust, libido are evil. Not existence of man and woman itself, not proreation itself, not procreation needing marital embracing itself.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:48:59

"Biologically speaking", lust has not desire to pleasure by itself, but to PROCREATE, but to proreate only fleshly!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:50:31

"Biologically speaking", lust has not desire to pleasure by itself, but to PROCREATE, to procreate only fleshly!
Spiritual good of offspring does not exist for lust.
Spiritual good of spouse does not exist for lust.
Spiritual good of lust-having individual does not exist for lust.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:51:54

Lust "ripes off" spiritual meaning of proreation, marriage and mankind and womankind!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:52:36

Lust "ripes off" spiritual meaning of procreation, marriage and mankind and womankind!

For lust procreation is just something fleshy.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:53:52

Lust is irresponsible! Lust tempts using sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is associated with the desire of non-spiritual procreration.

Procreation is someting very responsible and beautiful!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:54:15

Let our children be not onceived because of lust!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:55:21

Let our children be not conceived because of lust!

The problem is not the beauty of the body, but LUST. And sexual pleasure.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:56:05

Sexual pleasure ruins. Sexual pleasure would be absent in Heaven!!! Even procreation would be absent!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:56:57

Intercourse has to be something really responsible. It is not a "fun". Lust is used to degenerate souls.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:57:52

Luss causes gross number of abortion, scary humilitation of humans due to sodomy... Lust has very foul fruits!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 12:58:44

Lust is the desire of WORLDLY procreation.

Lust IS associated with procreation.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 13:01:50

Lust is foul. For me lust is associated with the malodor of feces or flatus. Feces symbolise sin.

Defecation is associated in my mind with expulsion of sin from inside.

Purification from sins which are abominations which stain "internal human", our souls "appears to be" "spiritual analog" of this embarrassing process called defecation.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 13:05:21

Human body "regularily" produces feces, flatus and urine after original sin. Something which is expelled from anus tends to be especially repulsive in odor, sight and noises. Defecation is a humilitating process for a human. Feces are abominations from the inside of the human body. A man who places symbol of his maleness in someone's part of the body which is obviously associated with impure abomnations excreted from the body humlitates sexuality abhorrently.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 13:09:56

Rectum certainly is NOT a place in which genitals should be. It is very humilitating for human nature when genitals are in rectum. It is something repulsive and abominable. Poor dignity of human, what it did to someone so someone offends it so blatantly and in so humilitating way :(

noforlust - 2016-01-12 17:21:52

How to quell, quiet, quench sexual lust in marriage without libidal pleasure?

Fallen nature WANTS procreation from lust. But it is not holy proreation, but "lust-filled one".

Lust "cries" and "screams" for biological procreation. For example when a man sees young woman, lust may see in her "material to make the biological offspring", so it (lust) screams, demanding sexual activities and tempting a man using sexual pleasure.

noforlust - 2016-01-12 17:24:07

Fallen nature WANTS procreation from lust. But it is not holy procreation, but "lust-filled one".

Reject sexual pleasure and lust at all!

Libido and sexual pleasure are problems. They scream for "wordly" procreation (biological "instinct of longening the species").

noforlust - 2016-01-12 17:32:35

Marriage without lust does not differ so much from celibacy, especially non-consecrated celibacy. In marriage which rejects all lust and all sexuality pleasure even libidal pleasures during procreative acts are totally and sincerely rejected. This marriage looks more like a celibacy than "worldy" marriage!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 18:10:05

The problem is also in "why to procreate?"
Procreation  has to be for coming HOLY offspring into existence who will be in HEAVEN FOR ETERNITY.
Not for richness, not for caregivers for parents or other members of the family, not for prsetige, not for earthly love... but for SAINTS WHO WILL BE IN HEAVEN FOR ETERNITY. Procreation in other purpose looks EVIL! ETERNAL SALVATION IS THE MOST MPORTANT!

noforlust - 2016-01-12 18:34:09

Lust is a grunting pig which wallows in own manure.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:44:59

Marital act has to be not for procreation, but for giving a new person for the Creator, a person who will be in Heaven for eternity.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:45:49

Lust wants wordly procreation, procreation for this world, not procreation for the Kingdom of Heaven.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:46:18

Lust is evil at all. Sexual pleasure is evil at all.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:46:50

Lust wants to procreate for death, not to procreate for Life.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:47:47

Total absence of lust should be also for spouses, not only for spouseless.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:48:12

Marriage is not evil, but lust and sexual pleasure are evil.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:48:53

"Sex" truly kills. "Sex" does not give true life!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:49:33

"Sex" is a result of original sin. "Instinct of longening of species" is a result of the original sin.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:50:10

Do not allow lust at all! Lust contaminates the body!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 16:50:32

Lust appears to be the largest soul-killer ever!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:17:31

Lust is a big, odiferous pig which wallows in the cesspool full of feces.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:18:26

LUST can make a person LOST.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:19:39

LUST is not love. Lust is a representation of "animal instinct" which cries for procreation, but not for holy procreration.

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:20:40

No for lust! Lust is evil! Lust kills!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:21:25

Lust is not good! Lust is not spiritual! Lust does not want our spiritual good!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:21:59

Lust is evil! Zero lust! Also in marriage!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:22:24

I do not want lust! Lust is evil! Lust kills!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:22:53

Lust is evil! Do not allow lust to commit any sin!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:23:16

Life without lust is better!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:23:58

Life without lust is better! Do not waste your spiritual potential to lust!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:24:34

I do not want lust! I want to life without lust!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:25:01

Life without lust is better! Do not allow lust to sin!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:25:19

Do not sin because of lust!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 20:25:43

Do not sin because of lust! Do not sin at all!

noforlust - 2016-01-13 22:06:31

Procreation is something VERY RESPONSIBLE! Procreating a person is something really beautiful, but it is also something which has great dignity and it requires true respect!

Because of LUST and IMPURITY procreation was humilitated.

noforlust - 2016-02-02 23:23:49

Lust is big, stinky pig! It loves to wallow in own impurities.

noforlust - 2016-02-02 23:25:44

Libido is horrid pig. Libido does not procreate!!!

Sexual pleasure is not good, sexual drive is not good!

"Biologically" lust wants to procreate as much offspring as possible, fallen nature of human might be tempted by lust to get as much impure bliss of lust as possible.

noforlust - 2016-02-02 23:28:07

Lust is a big liar! It is lying about body, human, sexuality, man, woman, procreation, family.

Lust is demolishing, lust kills Order and Dignity.

Sexual pleasure is perfidious venom of lust, it is blissful venom of this big lie.

noforlust - 2016-02-02 23:29:41

Sexual pleasure is something like odiferous feces. It harms souls expecially. Sexual pleasure lies about humanity. Men are especially hit by this piggish temptation.

noforlust - 2016-02-02 23:31:09

Sexual pleasure DOES NOT want real, spiritual good for you and other people! It may treat you and other people as "factories of manure". Not as a person!

noforlust - 2016-02-02 23:34:58

Sexual pleasure and lust are disgracing venoms of Satan. They are present because of sin of Adam and Eve. First parents commited something very grievous againts their offspring, against entire human race. Maybe SEXUAL PLEASURE was the key factor which caused their sin?

noforlust - 2016-02-05 16:38:03

Gross offense of procreation is "reverse murder". "Analogous" to reverse mortgage and "typical" mortgage in some sort.

Lust is against ause of life (and even is associated with cause of existence), murder is "something from opposite pole".

noforlust - 2016-02-05 16:40:00

Pain is a sort of evil which looks "reverse" to impure pleasure.

Pain is associated with something opposite than lust. Both impure pleasure and pain are children of sin.

noforlust - 2016-02-05 16:42:26

Some sorts of impurity are worse than another. Inadequate proreation and inadequate intercourse are events which are "like reverse murders". Some impure deeds are not so gross like "reverse murders". All impurity is evil. Impurity is against procreation and family.

noforlust - 2016-02-05 16:43:45

Existence of human family, human procreation is more beautiful than existence of angels. Angels do not procreate and do not establish families.