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Podgląd wątku (najnowsze pierwsze)

valkosipuli nca14
2019-12-09 22:07:27

Other result of WP another forum member:

Verbal Comprehension (VCI): 91%
Similarities: 63%
Vocabulary: 95%
Information: 95%

Perceptual Reasoning (PRI): 98%
Block Design: 91%
Matrix Reasoning: 99%
Visual Puzzles: 95%

Working Memory (WMI): 50%
Digit Span: 37%
Arithmetic: 63%

Processing Speed (PSI): 0.1%
Symbol Search: 0.4%
Coding: 0.1%

valkosipuli nca14
2019-12-09 22:05:20

Another result from WP:

Verbal Comprehension Index: 118, 88 percentile
Similarities: 75 percentile
Vocabulary: 91 percentile
Information: 91 percentile

Perceptual Reasoning Index: 119, 90 percentile
Block Design: 95 percentile
Matrix Reasoning: 91 percentile
Visual Puzzles: 63 percentile (I lost a LOT of points because I was over time)

Working Memory Index: 89, 23 percentile
Digit Span: 16 percentile
Arithmetic: 37 percentile

Processing Speed Index: 102, 55 percentile (the psychologist said this score isn't even valid though because there is such a huge difference between the subtests)
Symbol Search: 25 percentile
Coding: 84 percentile (I memorized the symbols and didn't have to keep checking)

valkosipuli nca14
2019-12-09 21:53:10

I think that my IQ test result from V 2016 indicate some definite form of NVLD, but it is quite atypical. WCST (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) and a test associated with drawing 2D figures after looking at them at the paper from memory suggest:
- WCST - very poor executive functioning, results not better than 15th percentile, sometimes lower than 5th, one subscale ("learning of learning") was even below 1st percentile,
- on the test about drawing figures I made 4 errors when the norm is 0 or 1 error - it suggests poor visual memory which is consistent with the suspicion of NVLD.

Arguments against NVLD (based on Wechsler IQ test):
1. Arithmetic in gifted range (18, corresponding to IQ 141, about the 99,68 precentile).
2. Vocabulary more than 3 "large" points higher than Arithmetic (14, corresponding to IQ about 117 - 123).
3. Good result in Block Design (14, the highest in PIQ part).
4. Good (but not as good as result in BD) result in Coding (13).
5. Similarities lower than Block Design (13 vs 14).

Arguments for NVLD (based mostly on Weschler IQ test):
1. VIQ 22 points higher than PIQ (126 vs 104).
2. Perceptual Organization Index (POI) 25 points lower than Verbal Comprehension Index (100 vs 125).
3. Highest from: Information, Similarities, Vocabulary (Information, 17) 8 "large" points higher than lowest from: Block Design, Coding, Object Assembly (Object Assembly, 9) - it corresponds to about 40 IQ points.
4. Relatively low Digit Span (especially backwards!) - 11, the lowest among VIQ scores after Comprehension and Similarities (13).
5. Quite poor performance in Picture Arrangement (8, corresponding to IQ 89 (29th percentile)).
6. Quite poor performance in Picture Completion (only 9).
7. Difference between the highest VIQ subscale (Arithmetic) and the lowest PIQ scale (Picture Arrangement) is 10 "large" points, which is quite big difference (lower means IQ 89 and 23th percentile (only less than 1 from 4 persons have lower), higher means IQ 141 and about 99,68th percentile (only about 1 on 319 have higher), there are 52 points of difference (almost 3,5 standard deviations) and the quotient of 319 and 1/4 is very large (1276)).
8.The quotient of the frequencies of result about 99,68th percentile (319) - Arithmetic in Wechsler test and of result below 1st percentile (less than 0,01) - learning of learning in WCST is 31900 - it is very large number.

valkosipuli nca14
2019-12-09 20:48:40

On wrongplanet I found such a results of IQ test about certain Asperger's-diagnosed individual:

- Verbal Comprehension 114
-- Similarities 12
-- Vocabulary 13
-- Information 13

- Working Memory 122
-- Digit Span 11
-- Arithmetic 17

-Perceptual Reasoning 123
-- Block Design 12
-- Matrix Reasoning 16
-- Visual Puzzles 14

-Processing Speed 114
-- Symbol Search 12
-- Coding 13

-FSIQ = 123

I think that FSIQ in this case may be some points lower, about 118.

It is interesting that among VIQ statistics Digit Span was the lowest and Arithmetic was the highest (the same applies to entire profile).

I had Digit Span the lowest among VIQ scores and Arithmetic the highest among VIQ subscales. The difference was 7 points (11 and 18). I had WOrking Memory Index(?) and Freedom of Distractibility Index 125.

Low Digit Span (especially backwards!) may be a NVLD trait. Even appears to be it.

valkosipuli nca14
2019-12-06 22:58:22

Another NVLD profile (quite typical):

Information                   14                                       
Similarities                    10                                           
Arithmetic                     07                                       
Vocabulary                    16                                       
Comprehension              11                                       
Digit Span                     10                         

Picture Completion         08
Coding                          02
Picture Arrangement      05
Block Design                 01
Object Assembly            08
Symbol Search              08

VC              116
PO               75 
FD               93
PS               75
VIQ            110
PIQ              69

valkosipuli nca14
2019-12-06 22:51:30

I saw atypical case of NVLD with VCI 147 and POI 108 where Coding was 19! Other performance subscales probably were 10 - 13.

That person had really poor eye contact and wrote that she "stimmed like crazy".

She had very poor visual memory, problems with getting lost and probably also in geometry.

She had marked(?) social anxiety. Some test for autism suggested in her case mild ASD in social part and no ASD in RRBI part.

That person is definitely aucorigic.

valkosipuli nca14
2018-10-26 21:26:12

Information 6 large points larger than Digit Span mild suggest mild NVLD.
If I have NVLD, it is mild. I have no dyscalculia or dysgraphia and can read maps and graphs.

Digit Span and Object Assembly may be relative weaknesses of individuals with NVLD.

nca14 valkosipuli 1
2018-09-16 19:40:28

IQ profile of the NVLD boy from (who had certain social problems, I would place his NVLD in one category of developmental disorders with ASD due to it):

VIQ: 110
Vocabulary: 16
Information: 14
Comprehension: 11
Digit Span: 10
Arithmetic: 7

PIQ: 69
Picture Completion: 8
Object Assembly: 8
Symbol Search: 8
Picture Arrangement: 5
Coding: 2
Block Design: 1

FSIQ: 88

In VIQ, that boy was the worst in Arithmetic - in my case the result of Arithmetic subtest was the highest among VIQ. In PIQ, that boy was the worst in Block Design - in my case the result of Block Design subtest was the highest among PIQ.

My VIQ was 22 points higher than PIQ (the difference is almost 1,5 standard deviation). It was written that my IQ results suggests schizoaffective disorder according to Rabin and Piedmont formula.

Here is another NVLD(?) profile - 

VIQ: 132 (I suppose that it may be in fact 123 because Digit Span and Arithmetic are relatively low)
Vocabulary: 18
Information: 15
Similarities: 14
Comprehension: 13
Arithmetic: 11
Digit Span: 9

PIQ: 89
Letter-Number Sequencing(?, probably PIQ): 9
Visual Puzzles: 9
Symbol Search: 8
Block Design: 8
Matrix Reasoning: 7
Coding: 5

Do I have NVLD? I have significantly higher VIQ than PIQ. I had relatively low results in Object Assembly (I did not know what is the last of the puzzles used in the test) and Digit Span. Both profiles mentioned in this post have relatively low results in Digit Span, such as I. I think that low Digit Span (especially in comparison to VCI stats, like Information or Vocabulary) may be common feature in NVLD. I am diagnosed with AS, not NVLD, although my IQ profile was dysharmonic.

2018-09-06 20:58:33

19.05.2016 or 26.05.2016 I had Weschler IQ test, Results were:
VIQ 126
PIQ 104
FSIQ 117

Arithmetic 18
Information 17
Vocabulary 14
Comprehension 13
Similarities 13
Digit Span 11

Block Design 14
Coding 13
Object Assembly 9
Picture Completion 9
Picture Arrangement 8

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